Responsible AI

Responsible AI - Human Pilots AI

Artificial intelligence presents remarkable opportunities, but also significant risks.

Responsible AI is a framework of ethical principles that safely guides organizations in the complex journey of adopting AI.

It involves:

  1. Building trust in AI solutions

  2. Considering the broader societal impact of AI

  3. Aligning AI with stakeholder values and legal requirements

Human Pilots AI has been purpose-built to align Responsible AI with our Our Values.

Responsible AI Principles

Ethical & Accountability

Responsible AI Governance:
Establish clear lines of responsibility for AI outcomes. Oversight and ethical decision-making in AI deployment, ensuring your organization maintains accountability at all levels.

Fairness & Inclusiveness

The Great Leveler:
We guide you in developing AI strategies that benefit all stakeholders equally. Our approach helps you identify and mitigate potential biases in AI applications, ensuring fair treatment across your organization and customer base.

Transparency & Explainability

Clarity is King:
We believe in AI that respects and uplifts all users by being understandable and explainable. Our training programs build AI literacy to enable clear communication about AI's role and impact within your organization and your clients.

Privacy & Security:

Safeguarding Data:
We assist in developing robust data protection strategies. Our approach integrates AI adoption with stringent privacy and security measures, helping you maintain trust and comply with regulations.

Safety & Reliability

Building Trustworthy AI:
Importance of reliable and safe AI applications. Our change management strategies include implementing regular monitoring and evaluation processes, ensuring your AI initiatives consistently deliver safe and dependable results.

Guidelines we’re actively tracking:

  • NIST AI Risk Management Framework: A comprehensive, iterative and adaptable framework that supports a broad range of AI applications, to encourage innovation while ensuring AI systems are safe and beneficial for society. It aims to improve the trustworthiness and responsible use of AI. (AI RMF 1.0 - PDF)

  • US Executive Order: It aims to ensure the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI, setting new standards for AI safety and security, protecting privacy, advancing equity and civil rights, and promoting innovation and competition. The order directs federal agencies to implement over 100 specific actions in cybersecurity, consumer protection, and workforce support to mitigate risks and enhance AI benefits.

  • EU AI Act: This legislation categorizes AI systems based on risk levels and imposes specific obligations, including transparency and safety measures for high-risk systems. It is a comprehensive effort to regulate AI technologies within the European Union, focusing on promoting transparency and accountability.

  • ISO/IEC 42001:
    This standard provides guidelines for implementing an artificial intelligence management system (AIMS). It includes policies, procedures, and best practices for the use, development, and provision of AI systems. The framework uses the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model to execute, control, and continuously improve AI management systems.