
Successful AI is all about People.

The technology keeps getting stronger and faster. But human nature stays the same which is why we build collaboration between humans and AI. Human-piloted AI helps leaders, their teams, and their constituents understand the impact and opportunities of AI.

We help adapt and learn alongside these new “co-pilots” to challenge our thinking about what we do and how we do it.

By building an AI mindset, we can introduce new habits and behaviors that deliver outcomes that align with our strategic goals and values.

AI is simple, but it’s not easy!

AI Strategy

AI Strategy

AI Readiness Assessment:
Quickly understand where to focus to realize value and accelerate results

AI Roadmap Development:
Build sustainable AI adoption, starting with quick wins to build momentum for long-term success.

AI Vision:
Confidently lead your organization, employees and customers with clarity through changing times.

AI Training

Executive & Employee Friendly:
Boost team capabilities and confidence through safe, intuitive sessions and hands-on workshops.

Identify & Prioritize:
Find opportunities where AI enhances capabilities and allows for more creative, high-quality work.

AI Literacy:
Learn fundamentals of AI concepts, capabilities, and implications to make more informed and critical decisions,

AI Training

AI Advisory

Trusted Expertise:
Executive guidance through change management and scale long-term growth through uncertain terrain.

Strategic Planning:
Create and implement a plan to exceed financial goals, increase team productivity, quality and customer satisfaction.

Agile Innovation:
Build rapid proof of concepts and end-to-end experiences to build new processes, products and service delivery.

Getting started with Human Pilots

1. Assess your AI readiness

Our Generative AI Readiness Assessment helps you integrate AI into your business based on your unique needs.
Contact us to take the Generative AI Readiness Assessment

2. Review your results

Curious about the possibilities or ready to dive in?
Book a 30-minute call to discuss your readiness profile.

3. Build your AI vision

Create and implement a plan to exceed financial goals, increase team productivity, quality and customer satisfaction.
Schedule Workshop

Ready to learn more?